When filling in the calculator values, it's crucial that you do not leave anything out. The calculator helps us determine how much energy your home will need. An electrical system does you no good if it can't provide you with the necessary energy to properly run your home, RV or boat. If you are not storing enough energy, you will decrease the life of your batteries, possibly ruin your batteries and most importantly, your power will eventually go out. Off the grid systems must utilize batteries to store DC power from the solar panels and convert it to AC power with an inverter. When designing an off-grid (not connected to utility power) solar or wind power system, it's very important to have an accurate estimate for how much energy you need. Pump Installation Equipment & AccessoriesĮLECTRICAL LOAD EVALUATION CALCULATOR AND SYSTEM DESIGN INFORMATIONĬlick here to go directly to the Off Grid Solar Load Calculator.Solar Pump Installation Equipment & Accessories.Solar Pump Controllers & Current Boosters.